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Plots prepared for Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 63 (2013) 291-328 [arXiv:1301.6754].
Each .png figure is linked to a .pdf version.

Comparison of 8 TeV LHC quark-antiquark luminosities (global on left, non-global on right):

Comparison of 8 TeV LHC gluon-gluon luminosities (global on left, non-global on right):

W+ vs. W- and W (≡ W++W-) vs. Z total cross sections at 7 TeV LHC:

Cross sections vs. αS(MZ):

Statistical combination of random predictions from different PDF groups:

The above plots were produced with the ROOT script combinationAR.C; see also similar plots here.

Update (April 2013): Plots below prepared using exact NNLO calculation for top-pair production.